If you haven't downloaded or bought this cd, you need to do so ASAP!
I have to shamefully admit that I've been out of the new music scene for quite a while. This coming from a person who used to spend hours at a time scouring the internet looking for new artists and bands that hadn't yet reached mainstream radio yet. I prided myself on "discovering" new music before others had heard it - annoying? maybe... cocky? perhaps. The downloading of this album marks my journey back into "finding" new music.
Adele's voice is incredible, sometimes reminding me of the sultry women from the 50s and 60s - her lyrics are incredible - transporting every woman back to the days of young "love" and heartbreak, immature back and forth relationships, wondering what the other person is thinking or wanting, repenting over what went wrong, and also the liberation after getting over someone. The other day, in response to listening to this cd, I saw a friend on facebook post about how thankful she was to be newly married to a great guy because this cd would make her really depressed if she wasn't in a relationship. On the flip side though, what is is about depressing love songs that all most women are drawn to? For me it was Mariah Carey and the Titanic soundtrack on repeat when I was younger - who's with me?
I don't know either, but as I listen to this digital serenade while I type, I urge you again to go out and get these songs - you can thank me later. Oh and since this is a design inspired blog, I'll put in my two cents about the cd artwork. Love the black and white photo and the color scheme (it looks awfully similar to my logo colors, no?) Love the simplicity of the font also - good choice Adele.
What new music have you come across that everyone needs to know about??